Wisconsin Power of Attorney document signing

What is At-Will Employment?

Wisconsin is an at-will employment state. At-will employment refers to a work arrangement where either the employer or the employee can terminate the employment relationship without the need for a specific reason, subject to legal restrictions. In plan language, it means that an employer can terminate an employment relationship at any time for any reason or no reason at all.

There are pros for employees. Employees can use their status as leverage if needed. Employees can choose to leave and give little notice. Or employees can use at will employment to argue for a raise or better benefits.

There are pros for employers too. Employers can terminate at-will employees for any reason. This means that employers can make changes to the workforce (like reorganize) with limited legal pushback. Smaller employers can benefit as well because they might not always be able to predict future staffing needs and this doctrine allows for a bit more flexibility. Employers can change benefits and pay structures as needed. And employers have an added protection against disgruntled employees who want to take legal action against them.

If you have questions about this doctrine or anything employment related, we are here for you! Please call us at (608) 237-1775 or email me at leslie@turkelaw.com.

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