Turke & Steil helps clients buy and sell commercial real estate. When it comes to 1031 exchanges, we can help you manage your tax exposure whether it concerns single or multi-tenant office buildings, multi-family apartment buildings, industrial complexes and warehouses, retail shopping malls, and 1031 REITS.
Our firm can also help you with residential real estate transactions and issues including buying or selling, mortgages, and land contracts. Our attorneys also have experience with inspection related defect issues, including water infiltration, mold and other matters typically disclosed on a property condition report.
Turke & Steil works closely with real estate developers, assisting with entity formation and documents, investors, deal documents, local government connections, and leasing.
Our firm works with condominium and homeowners associations, advising on a range of issues including, real estate, construction and development. We also advise on condominium declarations, bylaws, rules, assessments, property management, unit sales and purchases, notice requirements and the like.
We are also well-versed in the complexities of real estate transaction structures, the unique aspects of new construction and development projects and the regulation of real estate by state and local governments. And, as to the construction itself, the parties need clearly defined scopes of work, pricing, deadlines and payment procedures. Some disputes arise due to a lack of understanding of the conditions of the contract, contract delays or incomplete or defective work. Turke & Steil works closely with clients (both owners and developers) to ensure contractual commitments are spelled out and straightforward and, if a dispute arises, the parties have a clear procedure for expedited dispute resolution to keep the construction schedule on track.